Friday, June 29, 2007

What you might not know about Lemon Grass

I've been asked by customers a lot lately, as it is that time of year, about mosquito-repelling candles. For any of you who do not already know, our Lemon Grass fragrance, besides being one of our top-selling scents, also works to repel mosquitoes! Try burning one of the Lemon Grass candles the next time you want to sit outside and enjoy the summer evenings. As an added bonus, the Lemon Grass candle is one of our Aromatherapy candles, which means it contains essential oils to help calm your body and ease fatigue!

Order Aromatherapy candles

Order Lemon Grass in the Homespun Jars

Order Lemon Grass in the American Soybean Jars

I also wanted to remind everyone that June is coming to an end, and that means that so is the Earth Echoes fragrance of the Month! Make sure you get your Earth Echoes candles while they're still available!

Order the Fragrance of the Month!

I've noticed that many of you have also taken our suggestion and tried the new Fresh Strawberry fragrance. I'd love to hear what you think of it!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fresh Strawberry

So many of our customers have been asking for a long time for a Strawberry fragrance. Well, we have now brought that to you with our Fresh Strawberry fragrance! This fragrance is going to be sold exclusively through our Online/Outlet Stores, so you will not be able to find this specific fragrance at your favorite local dealer.
This fragrance is currently available in Votives, Candle Refill Kits, 12oz Homespun Jars and 12oz and 24oz Potting Shed Jars. You will soon been able to find Fresh Strawberry in the 16oz Botanical Pillars as well!

Click here to order Fresh Strawberry Candles!

If there is any fragrance you have been hoping that we would make, please let us know. We would love to hear your suggestions!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Spring Fragrance Poll

Check out my new poll and let me know what your favorite new Spring Fragrance is!